Method GetShortestPath
| Edit this pageGetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>>, TState)
Find the shortest path from state start
to state end
, using the A*
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> getNeighbors, TState end) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state; the total cost to get to that state based on the
traversal cost at the current state; and the predicted or best-guess total (already traversed plus
remaining) cost to get to |
TState | end | The target state |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses the A* algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to end
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage
the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator.
Overall performance of this method will depend on the reliability of the best-guess cost provided by
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
The A* algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This method uses Default to compare TState
s and
Default to compare traversal
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use A* to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var start = (x: 0, y: 0);
var end = (x: 2, y: 2);
((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess) GetNeighbor((int x, int y) p, double newCost)
var xD = p.x - end.x;
var yD = p.y - end.y;
var dist = Math.Sqrt((xD * xD) + (yD * yD));
return (p, newCost, newCost + dist);
IEnumerable<((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess)> GetNeighbors((int x, int y) p, double cost)
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x + 1, p.y), cost + 1.001d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y + 1), cost + 1.002d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x - 1, p.y), cost + 1.003d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y - 1), cost + 1.004d);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(int x, int y), double>(
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result.Select(x => $"({x.nextState}, {x.cost:N3})")));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((0, 0), 0.000) -> ((1, 0), 1.001) -> ((2, 0), 2.002) -> ((2, 1), 3.004) -> ((2, 2), 4.006)
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no path to |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost traversed, TCost bestGuess)>>, TState, IEqualityComparer<TState>?, IComparer<TCost>?)
Find the shortest path from state start
to state end
, using the A*
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost traversed, TCost bestGuess)>> getNeighbors, TState end, IEqualityComparer<TState>? stateComparer, IComparer<TCost>? costComparer) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state; the total cost to get to that state based on the
traversal cost at the current state; and the predicted or best-guess total (already traversed plus
remaining) cost to get to |
TState | end | The target state |
IEqualityComparer<TState> | stateComparer | A custom equality comparer for |
IComparer<TCost> | costComparer | A custom comparer for |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses the A* algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to end
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage
the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator.
Overall performance of this method will depend on the reliability of the best-guess cost provided by
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
The A* algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use A* to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var start = (x: 0, y: 0);
var end = (x: -2, y: -2);
((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess) GetNeighbor((int x, int y) p, double newCost)
var xD = p.x - end.x;
var yD = p.y - end.y;
var dist = Math.Sqrt((xD * xD) + (yD * yD));
return (p, newCost, newCost + dist);
IEnumerable<((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess)> GetNeighbors((int x, int y) p, double cost)
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x + 1, p.y), cost + 1.001d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y + 1), cost + 1.002d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x - 1, p.y), cost + 1.003d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y - 1), cost + 1.004d);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(int x, int y), double>(
new PointComparer(),
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result.Select(x => $"({x.nextState}, {x.cost:N3})")));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((0, 0), 0.000) -> ((-1, 0), 1.003) -> ((-1, -1), 2.007) -> ((-2, -1), 3.010) -> ((-2, -2), 4.014)
class PointComparer : IEqualityComparer<(int x, int y)>
public bool Equals((int x, int y) x, (int x, int y) y) =>
ManhattanDistance(x) == ManhattanDistance(y);
public int GetHashCode((int x, int y) obj) =>
private static double ManhattanDistance((int x, int y) obj) =>
Math.Sqrt((obj.x * obj.x) + (obj.y * obj.y));
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no path to |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>>, Func<TState, bool>)
Find the shortest path from state start
to a state that satisfies the conditions
expressed by predicate
, using the A* algorithm.
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> getNeighbors, Func<TState, bool> predicate) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state; the total cost to get to that state based on the
traversal cost at the current state; and the predicted or best-guess total (already traversed plus
remaining) cost to get to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |
Func<TState, bool> | predicate | The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses the A* algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by predicate
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator. Overall performance of this
method will depend on the reliability of the best-guess cost provided by getNeighbors
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
The A* algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This method uses Default to compare TState
s and
Default to compare traversal
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use A* to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var start = (x: 0, y: 0);
var end = (x: 2, y: 2);
((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess) GetNeighbor((int x, int y) p, double newCost)
var xD = p.x - end.x;
var yD = p.y - end.y;
var dist = Math.Sqrt((xD * xD) + (yD * yD));
return (p, newCost, newCost + dist);
IEnumerable<((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess)> GetNeighbors((int x, int y) p, double cost)
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x + 1, p.y), cost + 1.001d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y + 1), cost + 1.002d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x - 1, p.y), cost + 1.003d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y - 1), cost + 1.004d);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(int x, int y), double>(
state => state == end);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result.Select(x => $"({x.nextState}, {x.cost:N3})")));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((0, 0), 0.000) -> ((1, 0), 1.001) -> ((2, 0), 2.002) -> ((2, 1), 3.004) -> ((2, 2), 4.006)
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost traversed, TCost bestGuess)>>, Func<TState, bool>, IEqualityComparer<TState>?, IComparer<TCost>?)
Find the shortest path from state start
to a state that satisfies the conditions
expressed by predicate
, using the A* algorithm.
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost traversed, TCost bestGuess)>> getNeighbors, Func<TState, bool> predicate, IEqualityComparer<TState>? stateComparer, IComparer<TCost>? costComparer) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost, TCost bestGuess)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state; the total cost to get to that state based on the
traversal cost at the current state; and the predicted or best-guess total (already traversed plus
remaining) cost to get to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |
Func<TState, bool> | predicate | The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. |
IEqualityComparer<TState> | stateComparer | A custom equality comparer for |
IComparer<TCost> | costComparer | A custom comparer for |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses the A* algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by predicate
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator. Overall performance of this
method will depend on the reliability of the best-guess cost provided by getNeighbors
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
The A* algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use A* to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var start = (x: 0, y: 0);
var end = (x: -2, y: -2);
((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess) GetNeighbor((int x, int y) p, double newCost)
var xD = p.x - end.x;
var yD = p.y - end.y;
var dist = Math.Sqrt((xD * xD) + (yD * yD));
return (p, newCost, newCost + dist);
IEnumerable<((int x, int y) p, double cost, double bestGuess)> GetNeighbors((int x, int y) p, double cost)
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x + 1, p.y), cost + 1.001d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y + 1), cost + 1.002d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x - 1, p.y), cost + 1.003d);
yield return GetNeighbor((p.x, p.y - 1), cost + 1.004d);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(int x, int y), double>(
state => new PointComparer().Equals(state, end),
new PointComparer(),
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result.Select(x => $"({x.nextState}, {x.cost:N3})")));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((0, 0), 0.000) -> ((-1, 0), 1.003) -> ((-1, -1), 2.007) -> ((-2, -1), 3.010) -> ((-2, -2), 4.014)
class PointComparer : IEqualityComparer<(int x, int y)>
public bool Equals((int x, int y) x, (int x, int y) y) =>
ManhattanDistance(x) == ManhattanDistance(y);
public int GetHashCode((int x, int y) obj) =>
private static double ManhattanDistance((int x, int y) obj) =>
Math.Sqrt((obj.x * obj.x) + (obj.y * obj.y));
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>>, TState)
Find the shortest path from state start
to state end
, using Dijkstra's
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> getNeighbors, TState end) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state and the total cost to get to that state based on the traversal cost at the current state. |
TState | end | The target state |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses Dijkstra's algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to end
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is
used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
Dijkstra's algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This method uses Default to compare TState
s and
Default to compare traversal
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var costs =
(from: "start", to: "a", cost: 1),
(from: "a", to: "b", cost: 2),
(from: "b", to: "c", cost: 3),
(from: "c", to: "d", cost: 4),
(from: "d", to: "end", cost: 5),
(from: "start", to: "A", cost: 10),
(from: "A", to: "B", cost: 20),
(from: "B", to: "C", cost: 30),
(from: "C", to: "D", cost: 40),
(from: "D", to: "end", cost: 50),
(from: "start", to: "END", cost: 10),
(from: "start", to: "END", cost: 1000),
var map = costs
.Concat(costs.Select(x => (from:, to: x.from, x.cost)))
.Where(x => != "start"
&& x.from != "end")
.ToLookup(x => x.from, x => (, x.cost));
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<string, int>(
(state, cost) => map[state]
.Select(x => (, x.cost + cost)),
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result));
// This code produces the following output:
// (start, 0) -> (a, 1) -> (b, 3) -> (c, 6) -> (d, 10) -> (end, 15)
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no path to |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>>, TState, IEqualityComparer<TState>?, IComparer<TCost>?)
Find the shortest path from state start
to state end
, using Dijkstra's
public static IEnumerable<(TState state, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> getNeighbors, TState end, IEqualityComparer<TState>? stateComparer, IComparer<TCost>? costComparer) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state and the total cost to get to that state based on the traversal cost at the current state. |
TState | end | The target state |
IEqualityComparer<TState> | stateComparer | A custom equality comparer for |
IComparer<TCost> | costComparer | A custom comparer for |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses Dijkstra's algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to end
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is
used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
Dijkstra's algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var costs =
(from: "start", to: "a", cost: 1),
(from: "a", to: "b", cost: 2),
(from: "b", to: "c", cost: 3),
(from: "c", to: "d", cost: 4),
(from: "d", to: "end", cost: 5),
(from: "start", to: "A", cost: 10),
(from: "A", to: "B", cost: 20),
(from: "B", to: "C", cost: 30),
(from: "C", to: "D", cost: 40),
(from: "D", to: "end", cost: 50),
(from: "start", to: "END", cost: 10),
(from: "start", to: "END", cost: 1000),
var map = costs
.Concat(costs.Select(x => (from:, to: x.from, x.cost)))
.Where(x => != "start"
&& x.from != "end")
.ToLookup(x => x.from, x => (, x.cost), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<string, int>(
(state, cost) => map[state]
.Select(x => (, x.cost + cost)),
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result));
// This code produces the following output:
// (start, 0) -> (END, 10)
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no path to |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>>, Func<TState, bool>)
Find the shortest path from state start
to a state that satisfies the conditions
expressed by predicate
, using Dijkstra's algorithm.
public static IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> getNeighbors, Func<TState, bool> predicate) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state and the total cost to get to that state based on the traversal cost at the current state. |
Func<TState, bool> | predicate | The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses Dijkstra's algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by predicate
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator.
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
Dijkstra's algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This method uses Default to compare TState
s and
Default to compare traversal
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var costs =
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "a", index: 2), cost: 1),
(from: (id: "a", index: 2), to: (id: "b", index: 3), cost: 2),
(from: (id: "b", index: 3), to: (id: "c", index: 3), cost: 3),
(from: (id: "c", index: 3), to: (id: "d", index: 4), cost: 4),
(from: (id: "d", index: 4), to: (id: "end", index: 5), cost: 5),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "A", index: 6), cost: 10),
(from: (id: "A", index: 6), to: (id: "B", index: 7), cost: 20),
(from: (id: "B", index: 7), to: (id: "C", index: 8), cost: 30),
(from: (id: "C", index: 8), to: (id: "D", index: 9), cost: 40),
(from: (id: "D", index: 9), to: (id: "end", index: 5), cost: 50),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "END", index: 10), cost: 10),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "END", index: 10), cost: 1000),
var map = costs
.Concat(costs.Select(x => (from:, to: x.from, x.cost)))
.Where(x => != "start"
&& != "end")
.ToLookup(x =>, x => (, x.cost));
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(string id, int index), int>(
("start", 1),
(state, cost) => map[]
.Select(x => (, x.cost + cost)),
x =>"end", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((start, 1), 0) -> ((a, 2), 1) -> ((b, 3), 3) -> ((c, 3), 6) -> ((d, 4), 10) -> ((end, 5), 15)
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |
GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>>, Func<TState, bool>, IEqualityComparer<TState>?, IComparer<TCost>?)
Find the shortest path from state start
to a state that satisfies the conditions
expressed by predicate
, using Dijkstra's algorithm.
public static IEnumerable<(TState state, TCost? cost)> GetShortestPath<TState, TCost>(TState start, Func<TState, TCost?, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> getNeighbors, Func<TState, bool> predicate, IEqualityComparer<TState>? stateComparer, IComparer<TCost>? costComparer) where TState : notnull where TCost : notnull
Type | Name | Description |
TState | start | The starting state |
Func<TState, TCost, IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)>> | getNeighbors | A function that returns the neighbors for a given state and the total cost to get to that state based on the traversal cost at the current state. |
Func<TState, bool> | predicate | The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. |
IEqualityComparer<TState> | stateComparer | A custom equality comparer for |
IComparer<TCost> | costComparer | A custom comparer for |
Type | Description |
IEnumerable<(TState nextState, TCost cost)> | The traversal path and cost of the shortest path from |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TState | The type of each state in the map |
TCost | The type of the cost to traverse between states |
This method uses Dijkstra's algorithm to explore a map and find the shortest path from start
to a state that satisfies the conditions expressed by predicate
. An UpdatablePriorityQueue<TElement, TPriority> is used to manage the list of TState
s to process, to reduce the computation cost of this operator.
Loops and cycles are automatically detected and handled correctly by this operator; only the cheapest path
to a given TState
is used, and other paths (including loops) are discarded.
Dijkstra's algorithm assumes that all costs are positive, that is to say, that it is not possible to go a negative distance from one state to the next. Violating this assumption will have undefined behavior.
This method will operate on an infinite map, however, performance will depend on how many states are required to be evaluated before reaching the target point.
This operator executes immediately.
The following code example demonstrates how to use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path using GetShortestPath
var costs =
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "a", index: 2), cost: 1),
(from: (id: "a", index: 2), to: (id: "b", index: 3), cost: 2),
(from: (id: "b", index: 3), to: (id: "c", index: 3), cost: 3),
(from: (id: "c", index: 3), to: (id: "d", index: 4), cost: 4),
(from: (id: "d", index: 4), to: (id: "end", index: 5), cost: 5),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "A", index: 6), cost: 10),
(from: (id: "A", index: 6), to: (id: "B", index: 7), cost: 20),
(from: (id: "B", index: 7), to: (id: "C", index: 8), cost: 30),
(from: (id: "C", index: 8), to: (id: "D", index: 9), cost: 40),
(from: (id: "D", index: 9), to: (id: "end", index: 5), cost: 50),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "END", index: 10), cost: 10),
(from: (id: "start", index: 1), to: (id: "END", index: 10), cost: 1000),
var map = costs
.Concat(costs.Select(x => (from:, to: x.from, x.cost)))
.Where(x => != "start"
&& != "end")
.ToLookup(x =>, x => (, x.cost), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Find the shortest path from start to end
var result = SuperEnumerable
.GetShortestPath<(string id, int index), int>(
("start", 1),
(state, cost) => map[]
.Select(x => (, x.cost + cost)),
x =>"end", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
new StateComparer(),
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", result));
// This code produces the following output:
// ((start, 1), 0) -> ((END, 10), 10)
class StateComparer : IEqualityComparer<(string id, int index)>
public bool Equals((string id, int index) x, (string id, int index) y) =>
public int GetHashCode((string id, int index) obj) =>
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | The map is entirely explored and no state that satisfies the conditions expressed by |